Interview with Ted Striphas, Associate Professor of Media & Cultural Studies at Indiana University, by Janneke Adema. The interview focuses on Striphas thoughts on the future of cultural studies and cultural politics, on problems related to the accessibility and control of scholarly material and on Striphas approach towards researching books. This interview was conducted on July 14th 2011 in Ghent.
For more information about the online, open access journal Culture Machine, visit
In this podcast, Mark Fenster, Professor of Law at The University of Florida, talks about transparency, open government and secrecy. Fenster is interviewed by Clare Birchall.
This is part of the Culture Machine Live podcast series. For more information about the online, open access journal Culture Machine, visit
Interview with Geert Lovink, media theorist, net critic and activist, by Janneke Adema. The interview focuses on Lovink's research practice, the nature of organized networks, alternative sites of knowledge production, the future of media studies and the colonization of real-time. This interview was conducted on May 19th 2011 in Amsterdam.
For more information about the online, open access journal Culture Machine, visit
Bár az AMERICANA eBooks elkötelezettje az e-könyveknek, igyekszik köteteit a lehető legszélesebb körben megismertetni, a lehető legtöbb érdeklődő olvasóhoz eljuttatni. Ezért könyveinket nyomtatott, puhafedeles változatban, print on demand rendszerben is kiadjuk a jövőben: az első puhafedeles kötetünk, a Tennessee Williams Hollywoodba megy, avagy a dráma és film dialógusa már elérhető az alábbi online boltokból:
Interview with Alan Liu, Professor in the English Department at the University of California, Santa Barbara, by Janneke Adema. The interview focuses on Liu’s work and on his opinions on topics relating to amongst others the digital humanities, online reading, the future of the university, the role of sharing and openness, and changing research practices. This interview was conducted on May 19th 2011 in Amsterdam.
For more information about the online, open access journal Culture Machine, visit
The final in the series of Salons featuring major thinkers addressing the significance of Hope for contemporary society. Led by Peter Osborne, Professor of Modern European Philosophy, Middlesex University, and Co-Editor, Radical Philosophy. Chaired by David Cunningham and co-curated by Marquard Smith, University of Westminster.
Professor of Political Theory at the University of Westminster, Chantal Mouffe, responds to the theme of Hope in the third Whitechapel Gallery Salon featuring major thinkers on the topic. Hosted by Marquard Smithand co-curated by David Cunningham, University of Westminster.
In association with: The Institute for Modern and Contemporary Culture, University of Westminster. Supported by: Stanley Picker Trust.
Richard Sennett writes about cities, labor, and culture. He teaches sociology at New York University and at the London School of Economics. Here he talks about the politics of hope in the Whitechapel Salon Series.
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Director of the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society at Columbia University, responds to the theme of hope in the first of four seasonal Salons featuring world leading intellectuals.